S U B K R A F f T
s u b v e r s i v e k r a f t
P r o f e s s i o n a l i n f o
S k i l l s
I am a multi-disciplinary artist based in canada and ireland. the foundations of my artistic practice are drawing, painting and printmaking. I expand on these mediums by translating my ideas from 2d to 3d, using a myriad of processes to craft pieces in glass, ceramics and textiles.
i have worked as an illustrator, muralist, sign writer, graphic designer, print maker, textile manufacturer, bartender, high-rise window washer, bicycle mechanic, bicycle courier, cook, waitress, house cleaner, landscaper, warehouse labourer and tree hacker. i enjoy cycling and reading when i am not making art.
Web Design
e x h i b i t i o n s
Members show, Damn Fine Print, StoneyBatter, Dublin
vilnius art academy, 'oda' group show, vilnius, lithuania
wandesford quay gallery 'emerge' group show, cork city, ireland
Crawford college of art and design degree show 'beyond dialogue', cork city, ireland
gallery noorus 'nahk' group show, tartu, estonia
wandesford quay gallery 'skin' group show, cork city, ireland
the natural foods bakery gallery 'no haste, post waste' joint show with helen o'shea
cork city, ireland
filter cafe. small selected paintings.
cork city, ireland
cafe lua solo show 'two-faced', selected paintings.
melbourne, australia
ubc student union building, group show.
vancouver, canada
september 2017
april 201 1
june 2009
2010 - present
2010 - present
R e s i d e n c i e s / a r t i s t e x c h a n g e s
Shanghai University ARtist Exchange, kiln forged glass making.
Spring 2016.
Damn Fine Print Studio Technician and Member 2018-current
W o r k e x p e r i e n c e
print technician, damn fine print, dublin
2018-2019 i worked as a print technician, reproducing artist and commercial designs and maintaining the print studio
commercial screen printer, big fat graphics house, canada
In 2018 i worked as a commercial screen printer, focusing exclusively on textiles.
i worked as an illustrator for the 2016 and 2018 editions of 'ca roule', a french secondary school textbook published by edco.
Illustrator for edco, educational texbook publishers, ireland
'my goodness' is a vegan food company from cork, and i have created their branding, including labels, logos and signage.
graphic designer and sign writer, my goodness, ireland
E d u c a t i o n
CIT Crawford College of Art and Design
Sharman Crawford Street,
Cork City, Co. Cork, Rep. of Ireland
Graduated in 2017 with a BA in applied art
I am a graduate of the crawford Contemporary Applied Art Program (CAA) which focuses on art processes within glass, textiles and ceramics. "The course combines studio projects with practical workshop based sessions, alongside contextual academic studies where ideas, historical reference and making are integrated".
University College of the Fraser Valley
Abbotsford, BC, Canada
Completed 1st year of the Fine Arts Program. Modules included printmaking, photography and life drawing.